Saama’s Malaikannan Sankarasubbu Named to PM360 Elite 100

Saama's Malaikannan Sankarasubbu Named to PM360 Elite 100

Recognized for Accelerating COVID-19 Research

In 2020, the world needed elite leaders in healthcare and life sciences more than ever, and many of the influencers who made PM360’s ELITE 100 list this year had a huge impact in the fight against COVID-19.

Saama’s own VP of AI Research, Malaikannan (Malai) Sankarasubbu was one of those people. Malai and his team helped pioneer Smart Data Quality (SDQ), an AI engine that identifies data discrepancies and generates queries automatically. During a large COVID-19 vaccine trial, SDQ shaved an entire month off the clinical development process.

Malai was recognized in the Data Miner category, which singles out people who “specialize in analytics and can turn hordes of numbers and research into actionable insight.”

Congratulations to Malai and the 99 others who represent the power of the life sciences industry to save and improve lives.

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