Actively Monitor Patient Safety

With real-time access to clean patient data and AI-generated alerts.

Woman on computer
Patient Insights

Revolutionize Patient Safety Monitoring

Patient Insights helps you actively monitor patient safety with access to clean patient data in real-time and AI-assistance to surface clinically significant data issues automatically. Using powerful generative AI, you can chat directly with your data and customize alerts to improve safety and accelerate clinical signal discovery.


Patient Insights
Actively monitor patient safety

AI-generated insights automatically surface clinically significant issues – saving significant time.

Patient Insights
Access clean patient data
in real-time

Track patient response to treatment in real-time to identify clinical signals sooner and prevent early withdrawals and adverse events.

Patient Insights
Collaborate seamlessly with
team members

Manage patient safety centrally by tagging and assigning tasks to medical reviewers, data managers, vendors, and more.

Patient Insights
Personalize AI-generated alerts to fit your needs

Tailor AI alerts to notify users of relevant data and information. Create custom rules and alerts with natural language – no programmers needed.

Accelerate medical review workflows

Save significant time by completing medical reviews directly within dynamic, visual patient profiles – rather than needing multiple systems and dashboards.

Data Hub

Predict patient behavior and better understand drug response


Unsurpassed visibility into your patient population.

Patient Insights
Chat with your data

Ask questions in natural language and get the data you need without waiting weeks for programmers – powered by generative AI.

Real Time Data
Real-time access to patient data

Access standardized patient data from any source system in real-time. All patient data is available in a single location, at your fingertips.

Patient Profiles
Patient profiles

Complete visual patient profiles — not just data listings. Users can query the EDC and can review, create, and manage tasks directly from dynamic patient profiles.

Patient Insights
Smart suggestions

Clinically relevant data issues are automatically surfaced to users as Smart Suggestions with AI. Users can understand how patients are responding to treatment and identify potential safety issues.

Intuitive visuals and dashboards

Create visuals and dashboards that fit your needs or choose from Saama’s library of out-of-the-box visuals. Explore data holistically – or drill deeper into specific data points – all in real time.

Standard or custom reports

Take advantage of Saama’s expansive library of standard reports with zero set-up time. Use our intuitive tools to modify a standard report to fit your needs or build your own from scratch.

Patient Insights

Review the same data with team members in one system, including custom rules, dashboards, reports, and visuals. Assign tasks to cross-functional teams and vendors.

Patient Insights
Interactive review listings

Explore any data point in Patient Insights further in Interactive Review Listings (IRL). Once in IRL, directly issue a query on that data point. Quickly review data, identify changes, and more in one location.

Data Hub
Query from visuals

Click on any visual to issue a query without leaving Saama’s platform.

Operational Insights
Custom rules

Build new Smart Suggestions by creating custom rules with generative AI chat.

Office Workers

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